CORPI CELESTI. El Conde de Torrefiel
El Conde de Torrefiel
Graveyards are towns, like all other towns: there is a center and a periphery, rich areas and poor areas, well-known people and lesser-known people. For this year’s FOG festival, the visionary group from Spain El Conde de Torrefiel presents an audio guide through the stories and the characters of the Cimitero Monumentale in Milan. Participants will discover what secrets are hidden in this dormant town, following an eclectic audio track inviting them to explore a set which can be both unsettling and emotional, in which several lives have succeeded one another over the centuries and which could still have something today.
Cimitero Monumentale
Piazzale Cimitero Monumentale MILANO
Admission with fee
April 9 - May 1
Tuesday - Sunday 08:00 - 17:30