Street Art Tour Tunnel Boulevard e Tunnel Reload

In this 3rd phase, the via Padova’s tunnel’s is renewed, a street art tour talks presents a new artistic and reloaded intervention in the railway underpass: Tour Muriliberi via Pontano and urban regeneration under the raylways “Tunnel Boulevard” with a view to recognizing and enhancing urban art forms such as poster art-paste-up, graffiti writing its ephemeral nature in continuous evolution with the territories where it is positioned and which clearly expresses what the via Padova tunnel’s (and the Tunnel Boulevard project) wants to be: a place in which to express and experience a dimension of public, social, regenerated space.
Sottopasso ferroviario via Padova angolo via Pontano location

Admission with fee

13 aprile - 14 aprile

16:00 - 18:00