Friday - Sunday 10:30 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 19:00

Bruno Munari Antropocene

Corraini Edizioni

Bruno Munari, already in the mid-1950s and thus long before the term Anthropocene took shape, had wondered what traces the presence of man would leave on our planet. Placing himself, as always, in the role of an outside observer, he imagined being thousands of years in the future and, like an archaeologist, having to reconstruct society from a series of artifacts found in methacrylate. On display in the Bruno Munari Anthropocene exhibition will be some Fossils of 2000, the books and files of Memoirs of the Italian Natural Science Society of the Museum of Natural History in Milan, an entomological box, as well as a series of works from the private collection of his grandchildren Bruno Munari and Valeria Munari Cattin, who collaborate with Corraini in the creation of Spazio Munari.
Spazio Munari location