Sunday 11:00 - 20:00

David Horvitz: abbandondare il locale

Nicola Ricciardi

Abbandonare il locale is the first monographic exhibition in Italy dedicated to David Horvitz. Born in Los Angeles, ironic and poetic, Horvitz uses a disparity of media - from photography to performance, from artists' books to sound-based art, from gastronomy to the Internet - to examine questions of distance between places, people, and time and to test the possibilities of appropriating, undermining or even erasing these distances. Within the spaces of BiM, an ambitious urban regeneration project in the Bicocca district, Horvitz exhibits over 20 works, retracing almost 20 years of career. Together with unpublished texts, found objects and architectural elements, these works offer a reflection on the ethics and aesthetics of the workplace as well as glimpses of possible escapes routes.
BiM Milano Bicocca location