Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 - 18:30

Between you and me the nonexistent alphabet. Ottonella Mocellin and Nicola Pellegrini in dialogue with Vincenzo Agnetti

The project, starting from the concept of pause and the absence/presence dichotomy, develops a reflection on the interval. The silence between two sounds, the space between the letters that make up a text, the void between the objects that populate a house, become thresholds of change. Mocellin and Pellegrini chose Agnetti's works with which to enter into dialogue and, in relation to these, conceived the exhibition. It includes a multi-voice performance, also using the sounds of Neg (the pausometer) patented by Agnetti in 1970), two videos on the absence-presence relationship, and finally paintings and drawings on these same themes. Some are unpublished works created specifically, others are historical, all are conceived as a series of alphabets capable of returning us to the profound sense of pause.
Archivio Vincenzo Agnetti location