Tuesday - Saturday 15:00 - 19:00


Domenico de Chirico

ABC ARTE is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition in Italy of the young Hungarian artist Luca Sára Rózsa entitled "Secrets", curated by Domenico de Chirico. Continuing the path undertaken about twenty years ago, alongside international masters of the twentieth century linked to the Neo-avant-gardes, started ab origine in its traditional and historical Genoese gallery, ABC ARTE now opens the doors of its most recent venue in Milan, called ABC-ARTE ONE OF, toyoung artists from all over the world, from Brazil to the Congo, passing through France, Hungary, the United States and so on. Launching this new, colourful exhibition cycle is 'Secrets', a solo exhibition by Luca Sára Rózsa, born in 1990 in Budapest, the city where she still lives and works today. Through these new works, created with a skilful use of both oil on canvas and ink on paper, she analyses the complex meaning of existence in the attempt to realise one's identity. Appealing to the eternal cycle of life, Rózsa retraces the stages of Christian iconography in which enigmatic figures bathe, embrace, feed or rest, gradually taking on the appearance of mammals. A cyclical nature of life to be understood as a space of eternal infinity, where there is no before and after, but only a hic et nunc that does not hesitate to merge amiably with nature.
ABC-ARTE location