Monday - Friday 09:00 - 19:00

Wandering out into this great unknown

Domenico De Chirico

Particularly attentive to the complex, dichotomous and long-standing question of human nature, without ever neglecting its origin, the group exhibition 'Wandering out into this great unknown' focuses on that Nietzschean axiom that ' it is very important that as few men as possible reflect on morality'. Here, words, opinions and conjectures no longer matter, for what matters most is to be able to give free rein to one's nature, whether already externalised or still concealed, in all its rushing purity, so that one never has to hide again. Appealing to that Dantean oration according to which: "consider your seed: you were not made to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge ", thanks to which Ulysses persuaded his trusty companions to continue their voyage into the unknown, the four invited artists, each in his or her own way, strip the aesthetic value of beauty and ugliness of all those moral meanings acquired throughout the history of Western civilisation, relying exclusively on the most beneficial qualities of man, in a bodily insurrection made up of both summits and abysses.
Cittadella degli Archivi location