Sunday 11:00 - 19:00


Martina Bortoluzzi, Valeria Foglia

For the new 2024 opening season, Fondazione Augusto Rancilio will host a monographic exhibition of the works of artist Jacques Martinez in the sumptuous rooms of the exhibition wing on the ground floor of Villa Arconati. It will be an itinerary distributed over five rooms in which the artist will accompany the visitor in the discovery of his art from his beginnings to his maturity. The selection of works encompasses his entire artistic career from figuration to abstraction, testified by different techniques: oil on canvas, bronzes, plaster, collage, engravings. The exhibition will be organised simultaneously in three other exhibition venues: Venice, Nice and Lugano, significant locations for the creative experience of our protagonist. The number four can also be found in Jacques Martinez's themes, which will be brought together at Villa Arconati: abstraction, the human figure, landscape and still life.
Villa Arconati location