Monday - Friday 10:00 - 17:00. Saturday 11:00 - 12:00

Francesco Somaini. At the origin of the sacred

Luisa Somaini, Francesco Tedeschi, Chiara Rampoldi

The theme of the "sacred" in Somaini's work, not only sculptural, arises from a reflection on processes of regeneration, transformation, death and rebirth. With respect to the different phases of his creative activity in which subjects linked to it emerge, some nucleri of works inherent to this idea are presented here. The visitor is led to discover the series of Martyrdoms (1958-61), which express the motif of the cross with a secular-existential approach linked to the post-war cultural climate (the theme taken up again in the cycle of the Carnifications of an architecture of the '70), and the Great Altarpiece of Life and Death, an unfinished installation from 1967-68, reconstructed here for the first time on the basis of recently found documents and drawings.
Fondazione Francesco Somaini Scultore ETS location